

Unveil the story of the beginnings of photography, discover the turbulent fate of the pioneers of this craft and the photographic chronicle of the Czech-German-Austrian border at the end of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century. Tours with an audioguide are available anytime within opening hours, no reservation required (last entry recommended 45–60 minutes before closing or lunch break). A guided tour is for 5–20 persons and lasts 45–60 minutes, reservation ahead of time required.

Individual tour with an audioguide
  • CS / EN / DE / RU
  • 50 min.
Individual tour with an audioguide
Discover the beginnings of the photographic craft, but also the turbulent fate of a family living on the Czech-German-Austrian border at the turn of the 19th and 20th century.These tours do not need to be booked in advance. Admission
Download the audioguide:
iOS | Android



 AudioguideGuided tour
Adults170 CZK190 CZK
Students and seniors120 CZK130 CZK
Children (6–15)100 CZK105 CZK
Family: 2 adults + up to 4 children360 CZK410 CZK
Interactive tour for schools, cca 90 min.150 CZK
Interactive tour for adults, cca 90 min. 230 CZK
Český Krumlov Card – Adults490 CZK
Český Krumlov Card – Students and seniors290 CZK
Český Krumlov Card – Family980 CZK
Taking pictures within the museum30 CZK
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