Pop into the past

Enjoy a unique experience of discovering the secrets of a century-old photo studio. A tour of the Art Nouveau villa with its authentic photographic equipment or a retro-photoshoot in period costumes will delight visitors of all generations.


Individual tour with an audioguide
  • CS / EN / DE / RU
  • 50 min.
Individual tour with an audioguide
Discover the beginnings of the photographic craft, but also the turbulent fate of a family living on the Czech-German-Austrian border at the turn of the 19th and 20th century.These tours do not need to be booked in advance. Admission
Download the audioguide:
iOS | Android

News / Tips 

Discover Museum Fotoatelier Seidel

Contact us 

+420 736 503 871


Linecká 272
Český Krumlov
381 01

Opening hours 

Tuesday – Sunday
9 – 12 | 13 – 16 

Mondays closed

Last tour:
one hour before closing

Nastavení soukromí:

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